If you experience severe anxiety that keeps you from setting foot in your dentist office, you’re not alone. About 40 million Americans share the condition known as dental phobia. While many people have some degree of anxiety over dental visits, for some the problems prevent them from seeking the dental treatments they need. Since home oral care is only half of what it takes for a healthy mouth, overcoming this fear so you can make it to your dental appointments is vital.
It’s understandable why some patients have an irrational fear of the dentist. From the loud sounds of dental tools to the helpless feeling of trusting someone to clank around in your mouth, the whole thing can seem like an assault on the senses. By internalizing the fact that each of these fears has a logical explanation, perhaps you can take the first steps towards defeating your dental phobia.
It’s ironic to have a fear of the dentist because they provide treatments and exams that can literally save your life. For example, maybe your fear causes you to miss the trip to the dentist where they would have discovered oral cancer, a disease that often kills unless it’s detected early. That is just one of many reasons why trips to the dentist are crucial for every human being on the planet. From deep cleanings and specialty treatments to thorough exams and solid advice, there’s no substitute for a dental visit.
In addition to the advice found in the infographic below, creative products and ideas may help you overcome your fear of the dentist office. One such innovative option is the Dental Phobia app by Codore Medical. Specifically designed with meditations that put you in a relaxed mood before visiting the dentist, the Dental Phobia app is ideal for those with anxiety. Additionally, finding support online or in person can help you deal with your dental phobia once and for all.
Dr. Maggie T. Chao understands that some people feel a lot of stress about visiting the dentist office. That’s why her compassionate staff will take any measures necessary to ensure the calmest, most relaxing dental appointment possible. When you’re ready to put your phobias aside and catch up on your dental appointments, you can look to Dr. Chao for top-quality care. Contact us today!
Dr. Maggie Chao
1475 Cedarwood Lane Suite C
Pleasanton, CA 94566
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Monday: 9AM – 4:30PM
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 9AM – 4:30PM
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 9AM – 4:30PM
Saturday: Closed
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